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Pennyroyal Essential Oil

In folklore, witches used this plant magickally to make people see double. Although Cunningham claims this is Mars, many consider pennyroyal to be a scent of Venus, which most mints are. With a mint's love of water, it is also Elementally Water of Water. Since this Element is often connected with birth into a new life, it makes sense that this fragrance was used in ancient Greek rituals of initiation, in which one is born into adulthood or into a world of new knowledge. Celts saw connections between this herb and the Great Mother. This scent is magickally associated with the fixed star Procyon. It is handy for purification and for the resolution of past-life issues.

Please note: this essential oil does not cause abortions. It can, however, cause liver failure and death if drunk, so don't do anything stupid with it. Also, don't use it if you have epilepsy. See the pennyroyal herb page for more info. Steam-distilled from Mentha pulegium in Morocco. top

Combining With Other Essential Oils

Some people consider this oil to be an acceptable scent substitute for the horribly expensive and always adulterated melissa (lemon balm). It does have many chemical components in common with melissa, but it is harsher, more like a weak version of peppermint. Pennyroyal can be combined with basil, birch, bergamot, eucalyptus, jasmine, lavender, and rosemary. top

Pennyroyal Essential Oil (Morocco)
5 ml $10.00

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Uses in Witchcraft & Magic:

Celebrating the Great Mother
Water Magic
Perfumes of Venus

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Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.