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Coriander engraving Coriander
Coriandrum sativum

This spice is often used in love magick (or perhaps lust magick), especially when added to wine (or try the Ayurvedic aphrodisiac recipe mentioned below). They are also worn for healing. Some consider these seeds a Moon herb because of their shape, but most think of it as a Mars herb, because the talented Renaissance herbalist Culpeper designated this magick herb as "hot in the first degree." This spice has a somewhat nutty scent when burned and are nice mixed with olibanum, cypress, sandalwood, and cinnamon as an incense for consecration or for prosperity spells. In Chinese folklore, eating coriander while pregnant means the baby will be a genius. These make a good incense ingredient. Top

In Cosmetics

Coriander photo Its taste and scent remind some people of orange blossoms, but most think it resembles a combination of sage & citrus. The scent changes gradually over time, improving for fragrance use. Seeds release their scent to alcohol, or try an oil maceration; instead of grinding the seeds, just bruise them before soaking. It was an ingredient in the 14th-century Carmelite water, a complexion aid and fragrance made by nuns. Carmelite water included 1 lb of lemon balm leaves, 2 oz of lemon peel, 1 oz nutmeg, 1 oz cloves, 1 oz coriander seed, and 1 oz angelica root distilled in 1 quart orange blossom or elderflower water and 2 quarts alcohol. Top

Culinary Uses

Coriander is a popular spice in both the Old World and the New. It has been found in ancient Egyptian tombs, and the ancient Greeks mixed it with flax seed in roasted barley to make a porridge. The Romans preserved meat and flavored food with it and introduced coriander to northern Europe, where it is still used to flavor liqueurs like chartreuse, gin, and vermouth and sometimes beer. This was one of the first herbs the Colonialists grew in the North America. In Ayurvedic medicine, an aphrodisiac is made from warm milk, honey, and coriander. In the Near East, the seeds are sugar-coated and chewed as a candy. Because it's anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, it's good for preventing cavities. A recipe for an Ayurvedic digestive suggests toasting coriander seeds in a dry skillet with fennel seeds and a pinch of salt, then nibble on the seeds after dinner (spit out the shells). Top

Coriander seed, whole
1 oz. $3.50

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Uses in Witchcraft & Magic:

Prosperity Spells
Love Magic
Healing Rituals
Mars/Moon Herb

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Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.