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Mentha pulegiumPennyroyal
Mentha pulegium

The Greeks incorporated pennyroyal into secret rituals of initiation. Amongst Celts, it is associated with the Great Mother, and it is usually considered a Venus herb. It does contain the planetary metal for Mars (iron) and has some Mars qualities, though, such as causing sweating (heating) that has been used to chase away a cold. It is also associated with the Moon because of its ability to sedate and calm. The Old English name for pennyroyal is dweorge dwosle. The first part of the name is from the word for dwarf, dweorgh, meaning not a small person but a metaphysical being who lived the earth and was associated with mining and smithing. The derivation of the second part of pennyroyal's Old English name is unknown, although it is possibly derived from the word for destroy, dwascan, in which case the name for pennyroyal would mean "dwarf destroyer." Was pennyroyal used in charms against dwarves? We don't know - nor do we know why people would feel the need for such charms. Perhaps to protect their own dwarfish pursuits - mining and blacksmithing? Still, this gives us a new perspective on pennyroyal with possible anti-Earth Elemental uses. This would coincide with its Airiness as a member of the mint family and a minty aromatic. Something to consider in your work with this herb.

Non-Magickal Uses

The Romans used the leaves as an insect repellent, and during the Middle Ages, it was a strewing herb (it smells really good) and used to get rid of bugs. Renaissance sailors purified their drinking water with it, and its scent mixed with wormwood was a remedy for seasickness. Many recommend stuffing pennyroyal into a cloth collar to help companion animals fend off fleas. (Harold, Alchemy Works' founder, actually tried this with his cats to no avail, reporting "the best non-toxic method I have found to deal with fleas is daily vacuuming of the house".) Pennyroyal tea has long been popular for warding off colds, because it causes sweating.

Toxicity and abortions

This Venus-ruled herb has also been made into a tea and drunk to start menstruation, and it has a reputation for causing abortions. However, herbalists and the American College of Clinical Pharmacy agree that pennyroyal does not cause abortions. The idea of using pennyroyal as an abortifacient appears to be a misreading of Culpeper, who said it was sometimes used to expel an already dead fetus. This misinformation has just been repeated and repeated, with no one even checking Culpeper.

Pennyroyal has many uses for magickal ritual, including as a help for exploring the border between life and death. Use pennyroyal to explore that borderland magickally, not physically. This herb is also known as pulegium, run-by-the-ground, lurk-in-the-ditch, pudding grass, and pilioleria.

Pennyroyal, chopped
1 oz. $3.75

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Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.