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The Three FatesIncense for The Fates
The Three Fates were honored in ancient Greece and Rome as the Moirae and Parcae, respectively. These beings portioned out the life of each human (and some say of the gods themselves). The first, Klotho, spun the thread of life, Lacheisis the second measured its length, and the third, Atropos, severed it. In honor of her name, we included a very small amount of belladonna in this mix, which gets its Latin name, Atropa, from her, in accordance with its ability to cut off life. Offerings to the Fates were usually made upon the birth of a child and typically included honey and wine, so we have incorporated both into this incense, as well as funereal cypress, blackthorn, juniper, and more, all on a base of sacred myrrh. In birth offerings to the Parcae it was traditional to include a bit of wool for a girl child and some bread for a boy, so these elements could be included in one's rituals. Because the Fates were commonly pictured by the ancients as older women (possibly because they represented an older force than the Olympian gods), we consider that this incense is also appropriate for Crone workings and other magical rituals and processes involving time and maturation.

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The Fates Incense
1 oz. in tin $16.50

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Uses in Witchcraft & Magic:

Honoring the Fates
Destiny Magic
Chrone Work
Time Magic


Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.