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Holiday, Seasonal, & Festival Incenses

These ritually hand-crafted incenses were created for use around holiday celebrations, seasonal festivals, Esbats, Sabbats, etc. Designed to aid in ritual, meditation, and offering practices, they are also appropriate for use during other times in the year, including for spellwork, or simply to enjoy their fragrance. As is true of all Alchemy Works incenses, these holiday blends are hand-compounded in our ritual space using only natural, botanical ingredients.

bonfire under a full moonFull Moon Esbat
The celebration of the Full Moon is an ancient and hallowed tradition that continues today for a plethora of spiritual traditions. Our Full Moon Esbat Incense combines old-world healing herbs, exotic resins, and uplifting essential oils to aid your mystical and magical lunar rites. Organic lavender, mugwort, and rosemary mingle and dance with olibanum, storax, colophony and lotus flowers before being daubed with oils of a bright, invigorating, and third-eye-opening nature.

Full Moon Esbat Incense
1 oz. in tin $16.50

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Line drawing of a witch flying against a full moonSabbat Flight
For a darker, wilder ride, harkening to bald mountains and windswept hilltops, our Sabbat Flight Esbat Incense follows the tradition of grounding before levitating towards the horizon. Saturnine patchouli and earthy fir balsam join forces with firey cedar and cloves. For resins, a combination of frankincense and opoponax be-brooms the mixture with blessings both celestial and infernal. Some mandrake tincture and henbane leaf add veneficium potency to the proceedings, and a special blend of essential oils deepens the heady bouquet.

Sabbat Flight Esbat Incense
1 oz. in tin $16.50

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Male and female witches up to no good, as usualHallows
Formerly called Samhain, Hallows is a limited-edition incense in honor of the various festivals which surround the third harvest. Composed of all sorts of herbs celebrating the dark of the year, the thinness of the veil between worlds, and our connection to the many things long dead. The ingredients of this incense change slightly each year, highlighting herbs that we have grown or wild-harvested during our witch walks. (We always leave an offering for whatever we harvest and take only a small amount, being sure to leave plenty behind for woodland creatures and the plants &/or fungi themselves). Ingredients include juniper berries, European vervain, pine needles, wormwood, patchouli, cypress, willow bark, myrrh, and more.

Hallows Incense
1 oz. in tin $16.50

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Breughel's WinterYule
This hand-compounded incense is composed of Winter Solstice-themed herbs, mostly Old World classics like cedarwood, frankincense, mistletoe, cassia, and sage, combined with New England oak and white pine along with some citrus oils. A warming, fiery, evergreen-scented suffumigation in honor of the Sun's rebirth through the winter frosts.

Yule Incense
1 oz. in tin $16.50

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Candle flameCandlemas
This Wheel-of-the-Year incense celebrates the festivals that fall halfway between Yule and the Spring Equinox on or around the start of February. Candlemas, Imbolc, St. Brigid's Day, Groundhog Day, and many others have their roots in winter celebrations of fire and purification, chasing away cold-weather doldrums and readying homes and hearths for the coming spring by cleansing and feasting with friends and kin. Frankincense, olibanum, colophony, and cinnamon set the fiery stage, while Elemi brings gusts of sweet Mercurial air. Sacred bdellium and patchouli ground, while lavender, lemongrass, and more herbal allies complete this incense's olfactory bounty.

Candlemas Incense
1 oz. in tin $16.50

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Crocus bloomsVernal Equinox
Frankincense, lavender, bdellium, yarrow, hyssop, linden and other uplifting spring scents come together to form a fresh, bright, and refreshing incense perfect for celebrating the Vernal Equinox, honoring Ostara, and cultivating balance. Use it for equilibrating rites, seed magic, and general renewal, especially amidst periods of transformation.

Vernal Equinox Incense
1 oz. in tin $16.50

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May Pole Roses and RibbonsMay Queen
Spring Festivals of Renewal, Purification, and Fertility, like May Day and Beltane, involve lots of fire, flowers, and bawdy dances. Thus olibanum, opoponax, roses, rose hips, cloves, lavender, turkey tail mushrooms, and more have been combined into a spicy floral bouquet to be burned in honor of the Queen of May and the the Greenwood's emerald transformation.

May Queen Incense
1 oz. in tin $16.50

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Firewood arranged for a bonfire with flowersMidsummer Solstice
Honoring the Sun's seasonal zenith is an incense that embraces the Greenwood's radiant potency above and below ground. Bold summer flowers of yarrow and rose are ground together with the fiery roots of ginger and galangal. Solar-aligned resins such as frankincense and olibanum dance wildly on the breeze with sweet linden leaf and aromatic white sandalwood. A special blend of citrus and flower essential oils adds even more enveloping complexity to this warming and energizing bouquet. Made for Midsummer Festivals, Solar Deities, personal devotional practice, or whenever heat and brightness might be magically required.

Midsummer Solstice Incense
1 oz. in tin $16.50

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crumbling temple ruins under night skyNemoralia
Named after the ancient August Holiday during which it was formulated, Nemoralia is designed to evoke an atmosphere of mystery and strength in honor of the Sacred Grove of Diana. As the Roman Empire expanded, more Goddesses were revered during the Nemoralia, such as Hekate and Artemis. Thus this incense is intended to also be used as a sacred offering throughout the year to these wild and mighty deities. Sandalwood, Fennel, Colophony, Damar, Spruce, White Pine and more wend their way through thick, evocative smoke dedicated to the Queen of Woods, Witchcraft, and Wild Things.

Nemoralia Incense
1 oz. in tin $16.50

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Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

© 2010-2024 Alchemy Works; No reproduction without permission