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queen of witchesQueen of the Witches Oil
This magic oil is based on herbs traditional in Italian Witchcraft - like mugwort, verbena, and wormwood - and grounded in myrrh and opoponax. Intended for working with Diana in her manifestation as the Queen of Witchcraft, it is also good for general spellwork.

Queen of the Witches Oil is wonderfully lemony, due to the verbena, which is quite lasting in this formulation. We added lavender to the blend because it is helpful in the acquisition of magical skills. The variety of lavender used here is not excessively tweedy (some can be) and makes for a lovely addition, smoothing out the mugwort and wormwood. Unlike so many of the herb-heavy oils often associated with European-style witchcraft, here the herbs are in the background. The fragrance of the resins gradually comes forward during the dry down (also when you warm the oil between your hands) and fits well with the verbena also. Myrrh is bitter, like mugwort and wormwood, but here it is tempered by the opoponax, which is also known as sweet myrrh. Magically, opoponax adds depth and higher resonance to any myrrh formulation. These essential oils are ritually hand-blended in an organic fractionated coconut oil base. (Although rue is frequently used in Italian Witchcraft, we did not include it here because, for some, it can be quite problematic on the skin.)

Queen of the Witches Oil
1/4 oz. (2 drams/7.5 ml) $16.50

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Uses in Witchcraft & Magic:

Italian Witchcraft
Honoring Diana
General Spellwork

Queen of the Witches Incense

Using Magic Oils

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